

dimarts, 15 de juny del 2021



S'apropa l'estiu i ja pensem en les vacances...
Seran com siguin...: estarem a casa, anirem a la muntanya, a la platja, al poble, a la piscina,...
Siguin com siguin les vacances, desconnectarem  i ens divertirem.
Siguin com siguin les vacances, les aprofitarem!

Els grups de Segons, us desitgem un BON ESTIU i unes BONES VACANCES!!!

Summer is approaching and we are already thinking about the holidays ...
They will be whatever they are ...: we will be at home, we will go to the mountains, to the beach, to the village, in the pool,...
Whatever the holidays, we’ll unwind and have fun.
Whatever the holidays, we will take advantage of them!

The groups of Segundos, we wish you a GOOD SUMMER and a GOOD HOLIDAYS !!!

                                                                             Manuel 2A

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